Email MarketingEmail Templates (from £99) and Newsletter Templates (from £99 to £500) can be ordered via our guide here eMB mail (email marketing software) You will need to add your subscribers and make the email messages you send. Once subscribed you can start on any of our mail plans, depending on the quantity of email you wish to send each month. Subscription is by invitation and subject to application. Pricing
We can also carry out the subscriber adding process, send messages for you (£50 an hour) and provide training. Access to the "eMB mail" email newsletter system demo is here: Newsletter and email marketing messages can be created on request, as part of our overall web and graphic design services (£50 an hour). Email Templates (from £99) and Newsletter Templates (from £99 to £500) can be ordered via our guide here |
Spreading the wordWaiting to be approached is not enough, proactively service your customers needs before your competitors do. Marketing